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Messages from the Field is new research embedded in the study of social interaction. Our questions concern the contract of the performance encounter, its expectations and permissions whilst referencing and comparing with other forms of social ritualised encounter, such as shamanic rituals, tarot readings, therapy sessions. The work also touches on questions of belief, how much we are prepared to buy into as an audience member or commit to as a performer. How much we want to believe we can truly know another person?


Activity involves the practice of reading the 'field' for individual subjects or audience members through a variety of channels, imaginative and sensorial, using spoken, movement and marking-making languages.

In these instances the 'field' is described as 'everything felt or sensed, real or imagined that unfolds between us'


Messages from the Field began in spring 2017 with a residency at La Traversee in France called There are Lines and further investigations at Siobhan Davies Dance's Open Choreography residency summer 2017. Both processes involved a team of artists, researchers, writers and scientists that have included, Rosemary Lee, Lizzy Le Quesne, Kirsty Alexander, Eve Stainton, Charlie Morrissey, Kate Brown, Scott Smith, Rukaya Kuthi, Marina Collard, Martin Hargreaves, Guido Orgs, Nikki Tomlinson, Charlotte Darbyshire, Jules Maxwell, Michael Kitchen, Jamie McCarthy and Sam Ladkin.


Continued explorations formed part of DKHP's summer lab with Candoco in summer 2018 and in July 2019 formed Transmission Room at the Dance and Somatic Practices Conference 2019 at C-DaRE Coventry University.


Messages from the Field practices formed part of You Can Probably Turn This into Something at Brighton CCA 19 Oct - 14 Dec 2019 and will then manifest in the research and development of a new performance piece to be made within a purpose designed sculptural 'room' space entitled Transmission Room.



Messages from the field Image Rachel Lop
photo Credits: ©C-DaRE DSP Conference 2019 photos by Christian Kipp
messages field copy.jpg

Image credit:Charlotte Darbyshire

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