With a performance career spanning over 2 decades, as an independent dancer I have performed works by, Rosemary Butcher, Charles Linehan, Rosemary Lee, Charlie Morrisey, Richard Alston, Siobhan Davies, Wayne McGregor and Wally Cardona.
I teach professional dance movement classes that are rooted in somatic based awareness, improvisation and co-ordination 'riddles', as well teaching students within training institutions.
A signature theme and core element that often runs through my creative practice and contribution within DKHP projects is a preoccupation for 'working with Objects', sometimes perceived as ‘tools' that can be grasped, manipulated and given multiple purposes. These pseudo-tools and everyday objects often serve no utilitarian function other than concentrated activity in and of itself, but through their presence within and around the Kinesthetic space of the performer, a depth of clarity and focus on human endeavor is revealed that frames the performer in a considered and specific way.
In 2013 I began training as a Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist, and now run a private practice in South West Herts working with a diverse spectrum of people, whilst also continuing to offer BSCT in a voluntary capacity with the Disability foundation at RNOH Stanmore hospital. I also teach Craniosacral therapy on the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust practitioner training programs in London and am a Mentor for final year students embarking on clinical practice at the trusts Teaching clinic in London.
I place an emphasis on integrating somatic practice and movement awareness in my clinical practice. I work with people, and through the relational field of interaction both within performance practice and as a touch therapist, informing the drives and questions I have as an artist and maker.
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